Nation Wide Moving

Venja Caldwell - Owner / Operator & Professional Mover
As a Professional Mover and Cultural Anthropologist, I have found The HHG (household goods) Moving Business to be very interesting, challenging and rewarding. The phrase, " adapt to adversity, overcome and move on ", is pertinent in that to be a good mover one has to get the ideas of orthodoxy and dogma out of their mind. To be a Professional Mover means to not be rigid, but to be flexible and flowing. To see an obstacle via objects in forms of shapes and sizes, then to safely and fluidly move them in and out, to and from, inside and out, without causing damage to the items or the environment that contains them. This takes repetition, versatile view, physical endurance, mental fortitude and a humble yet assertive temperament. Ego and a know-it-all attitude exude ignorance, lead to many mistakes, frequent damages, and is very uncomfortable for customers and crew members alike.
Through my fifteen years' experience, I've become aware of the fact that being a Professional Mover is akin to being a CrossFit athlete. I have seen many people come and go due to their lack of outside the job fitness, exercise, drugs & pharmaceuticals use, alcohol, tobacco and even emotional maturity being a factor.
To be a mover takes physical endurance of continually lifting heavy items, upwards of 18-hour days on some moves. Throw in two days of this with three or four more days consecutively that comprise 8-, and 11-hour days with one to two days recovery before you're at it again and you will realize instantly how important a healthy lifestyle inside and outside of work really is.
I personally have not had Fast food or Soda pop in 24 years now. 14 years clean from drugs, 13 years clean from tobacco and 18 months clean from alcohol. One of my quotes is that " A new lifestyle, means a new social circle. " Thats why I love to Snowboard, Surf, Hike, CrossFit, Martial Arts, and other things that are pro-active and pro-social.
When it comes to HHG, I am relentless at " Moving with Purpose", treating all furniture like an antique in that it requires intentional handling and padding. No sliding on floor or in truck, no grabbing handles that may break, no using your body to press that may break or crack item, no dropping or balancing, with barrier between, face on face and back on back. Everything going into the trucks must go high and tight with light above and heavy base below, in form of tiers, unless you're floating and still requires padding from abrasion in transit. Experienced Loaders will always start heavy on opposite side of fuel tank, for safe transit. To be honest, the most versatile CDL drivers in the world drive HHG for the Moving Business in that they usually load your belongings then safely transport them and have to maneuver a Truck upwards of 70 feet long, through residential neighborhoods and commercial zones continuously without any damage! The tail swing on a 26 ft. Truck is not easy either, unless you have experience, assertiveness and situational awareness. There is so much more to say about being a Professional Mover, that a blog is not enough, so it will be in my Book that's being published by Amazon at the end of Summer 2024. Thank you for your time and consideration,
Truly : Venja Caldwell